David Rondeau, of Rondeau Logging in Orford New Hampshire, has made the transition from whole tree harvesting to cut to length by teaming up with Jim Dickerson. What is cut to length? It is the most technologically advanced harvesting system today.
With this logging system, two machines perform the functions of felling, de-limbing, bucking, sorting and extracting.
The processor does the work of three, felling, de-limbing and cutting the trees into sawlogs and pulpwood at the stump. Branches and tops are removed directly in front of the processor creating a mat of slash that is driven over by the processor and forwarder.

The processed wood is hauled to the landing by the forwarder and sorted for a variety of markets. By not skidding trees the conventional way, there is less damage to the residual stand and ground.

If you want to make more profit from your timber in New Hampshire and Vermont, and be more environmentally friendly, contact Dave or Jim today. They have 79 years of logging experience between them.
David Rondeau
[email protected]
Jim Dickerson
[email protected]